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Gary Kent Honoured by Devon Integrated Social Care Alliance for Excellence in Individual Service Funds

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By New Key

Gary Kent, one of New Key’s Directors, has been honoured by the Devon Integrated Social Care Alliance for his outstanding dedication to Individual Service Funds (ISFs). Chosen from a competitive pool of hundreds of managers, Gary is celebrated for his unwavering commitment to the transformative power of ISFs in delivering superior outcomes for individuals in social care.

Gary’s tireless advocacy and steadfast leadership have set a benchmark for excellence within the community. His deep belief in the potential of ISFs to reform care practices has driven significant improvements in the lives of those he serves. By championing ISFs, he has consistently demonstrated how personalised funding can lead to more tailored, effective care solutions.

The Devon Integrated Social Care Alliance commended Gary for his remarkable contributions and unwavering dedication to raising the standards of care within our sector. His work exemplifies the highest level of professionalism and inspires others to pursue excellence in social care.

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